Functions of the Skin

Protection -

The skin protect the internal framwork of the body in the following ways:

  • Subcutaneous tissue protect the body from injuries
  • Horny layer acts as a barrier against foreign bodies
  • Prevents water from entering the body and body fluids from leaving the body
  • Basal layer protects against ultra violet rays
  • Sebum act as a slight bactericidal agent

 Sensation -

Skin has many nerve endings and it reacts in the following ways:

  • The brain is made aware of pain through the nerve endings and these are found at different levels in the dermis
  • Touch lies close to the skin's surface while cold is felt deeper and warmth is felt deeper
  • pain is felt at varying levels

Heat Regulation -

Skin controls and regulates the body temperatures at 36.8c (98.4F) through a number of different ways depending on whether it is too cold or too hot.

  • When it is too cold the skin provides insulation in the following ways:
  • Contriction of capillaries
  • Trapping a layer of air by raising the hair
  • Sweat glands become less active

When it is too hot the skin reduces the temperature in the following ways:

  • Sweat is secreated on to the surface of the skin which provides a cooling efect as it evaporates
  • The capillaries expand allowing blood to flow nearer to the surface allowing heat to be lost.


Secretion -

Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands which help to keep skin soft and supple. Body temperature is regulated by eccorine and aprocine glands. This contributes to the acid mantle which has a PH of 5.00 or 5.6

Elimination -

Sweating helps the body dispose of some waste matter like urea and lactic acids.

Absorption -

Water based solutions are not readily absorbed through the skin but oil/fatty based substances may be absorbed in small amounts.

Vitamind D -


